Here’s something interesting I came across on the internets! It is called Dot: 360° video capture for the iPhone 4. You snap on a lens attachment to the iPhone 4 and of course with the corresponding app you literally get a panoramic video. This would be great to have at a small party or for taking minutes in meetings. Check out the video and website here.
They are expecting to release the technology this summer and are trying to raise some capital taking pledge amounts with promises of the product and launch party invites to those who pledge certain amounts. It’s a great and innovative idea but I don’t see this being used in wide spread application but it’s something that is really cool and would impress your friends and family. Apparently the videos will be uploaded to a separate web server the company will create as the videos are not compatible with YouTube and you can link to them through your favorite social media sites, whether hosting these videos will cost extra remains to be seen. I won’t be too happy if that’s the case, as paid ‘cloud’ services don’t interest me. You can read here to find out why! With all things, we will have to wait and see.
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