Friday, 1 April 2011

No shame in being an Apple Fanboi!

Alright then!  So we have all seen all the parodies out there, you know the one from Mad T.V depicting the iPad.  ( or the tons of other things that make fun of the iDevices we have in our home.  It begs the question, at what point are we buying technology products for their actual worth and are there really such things as Apple ‘sheep?’  Reading through internet forums and even having discussions with sales people buying non Apple products seems to easily solicit feelings on the subject.

            So you are sitting on your computer, having a glass of water from the tap. (You know because of the environment and if I had said Coke, all the Pepsi fanboi’s would have come out, but that’s a blog for another time!) You are checking Cult of Mac, Apple Insider, and many of the plethoras of websites out there when you see it! Apple iPhone 5 set for June/July release.  Quickly you think to yourself, 800 dollars, check, vacation time off work, check, envy of all your friends, check… You get the picture.  But did it ever occur to you, that maybe, just maybe, you don’t need to upgrade to the next one?  At what point did Apple get you?  Of course, you have a smorgasbord of reasons of why you should get it.  But can you list one reason why you shouldn’t?  It may be due to the fact you are a fanboi.  Now, don’t get upset, just because the internet depicts a negative connotation on fanboi’s and the fact they think they look cool sitting at Starbucks drinking their Chai latte’s for $7.  I won’t judge you.  So what if you are mocked, teased, ridiculed by everyone behind your back, and in some cases right in front.  You have it, and they don’t.  It’s them who don’t understand.  Besides, anytime you run into someone else who has an iDevice, they get you.  I get you!

            Maybe I’ve taken a bite of the Apple too.  I want to believe that I am unbiased in my view, because I have Android devices, I’ve used a BlackBerry; I am buying a Playbook too.  But maybe I’m just doing all that to conceal the hard undeniable truth.  That I too have become a fanboi.  (Still haven’t purchased that $7 Chai yet though)  I try to stay objective, I don’t defend Apple at every turn.  Before them I was using phones to talk to people.  Now I think that is the third most thing I do, next to Angry Birds (oh yes I just did) and texting.  Or surfing, the list just goes on and on.  The question I have to ask is, they made the game, and then they changed it but in 5 years or 10 years from now, will they still be at the forefront?  It sounds silly to say the iPhone 10 or the iPod 10 right now, but they will be a reality one day and I hope they have the same impact on my life they do now. 
            I promise, I will endure the mocking, teasing, and even the ridicule that comes with being a fan of something, I will admit, I wasn’t there when it was at its low.  I jumped on somewhere in the middle.  For now, I put solace in the fact I will be there with cash in hand for my iPad 3.  Name me what you will, but know this.  I am happy with my iPad 2!  And isn’t that what it is all about?

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